Winter field day goes from Noon Sat, Jan 26 to Noon Sun, Jan 27. We will be at the same location as last year, the Lindon Marina. We can start setup as early as 12:01 AM on Saturday, Jan 26.
Location map:
Please be sure to sign in when you arrive! Like last year, we’ve made arrangements with the marina to have everyone sign in as you arrive at the stations, then we will settle up with the marina afterwards. So, no need to pay as you enter, just tell them you are with the amateur radio group and they should let you through.
If you plan to participate (and we hope you do), please review the rules at
We need quite a bit of gear (RVs, generators, HF rigs, antennas, etc.). We’d like everyone to fill out the survey at the following link. This will let us know how many people to expect and collect information about equipment.
We will again be operating 3 stations. If you are willing / interested in being the host of one of the three stations please let me know.
This is my first field day so I’m a bit overwhelmed being in charge of something with which I’m unfamiliar. So, if you have ideas, suggestions, etc. please feel free to reach out or, better yet, volunteer to help! Thanks for your understanding as I try to muddle my way through.
– James
P.S. There is a 5K race at the same location (Lindon Marina) on Saturday so it may be pretty stuffed. We, however, are using the peninsula so our locations should not be impacted too badly.