
Officially organized on Friday 05 February 2016, the mission of UVARC is to promote the enjoyment of the amateur radio fellowship and hobby in the Utah Valley area. We also provide Utah Valley ham radio information for those within or visiting from outside our area.

The activities of our group are many and varied, but they generally surround an amateur radio theme. This means while our activities and events are not limited to amateur radio, we focus much of them around radio in some way. That being said, our motto is Family Comes First. Our club call sign is K7UVA. Want to know more? Drop us a line at uvarcinfo at gmail dot com

We’re a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN 81-3606416), a Utah Corporation (9752825-0140), a 509(a)(2) Public Charity, an ARRL-affiliated club, and there is no cost to join UVARC at this time because club expenses are fairly low. But we do ask that you consider a small donation to help out with what costs we do incur.

The current club presidency was re-elected on 09-05-2024 as follows:

Noji Ratzlaff, KNØJI – President
Chad Buttars, WE7CB – Vice President
Caryn Alarcon, KG7UUR – Secretary / Treasurer
Joe Costello, WH6QV – Activities / Publicity Coordinator
Trevor Holyoak, AG7GX – Technology Specialist

Meetings held monthly on the first Thursday at 6:30 to 8:00 pm, usually at the Orem City Council Chamber Room (56 N State St)
We’ll post announcements in our Facebook group and through our email list. (Please formally join the club to be added to our email list.)

Our YouTube channel (with recordings of previous club meetings)

Upcoming meetings:
November 7 : Annual DIY Night by You! (Orem Senior Friendship Center, 93 N 400 E)
December 5 : Annual Christmas Potluck (Orem Senior Friendship Center, 93 N 400 E)
January 2 : NVIS by Larry Driskill KE7AU
February 6 : Strengthening the League by John Sager WJ7S
March 6 : Fundamentals of Fox Hunting by Larry Jacobs WA7ZBO
April 3 : Giving Back to Radio by Dave Becar KI6OSS
May 1 : The Lighter Side of Elmering by Scott Rosenbush K7HSR
June 5 : Lightning Protection by Noji Ratzlaff KNØJI
July 17 : Ham Radio Fair (Lindon Pheasant Brook Park, 400 N 800 W)
August 7 : TBD
September 4 : Elections
October 2 : TBD
November 6 : Annual DIY Night by You! (Orem Senior Friendship Center, 93 N 400 E)
December 4 : Annual Christmas Potluck (Orem Senior Friendship Center, 93 N 400 E)

Newsletters (click here for a shortcut to the latest)

January 2020          February 2020            April 2020                     June 2020
July 2020                October 2020              December 2020            February 2021
April 2021               June 2021                   August 2021                  October 2021
December 2021      February 2022            April 2022                      June 2022
August 2022           October 2022              December 2022            February 2023
April 2023               June 2023                   August 2023                 October 2023
December 2023      February 2024            April 2024                     June 2024
August 2024           October 2024

Family Net : Sunday 3:30 pm ( Script )

Health & Fitness Net : Monday 7:00 pm ( Script )

ROB (Riverton Office Building) Net : Tuesday 2:00 pm

Ladies’ Net : Tuesday 7:00 pm ( Script )

New Ham Net : Thursday 7:00 pm ( Script )

CERT Ham Net : 2nd and 4th Thursday 8:00 pm ( Script )

Family History Net : Saturday 8:00 pm ( Script )

HF Net : Wednesday 9:00 pm ( 28.345 MHz USB / 7.220 MHz LSB / 3.905 MHz LSB )

6-meter Net : Friday 8:00 pm( 50.140 MHz USB )

Upcoming ham radio exam courses
( Each course is $10 per person and in-person only. You can sign up here. )
Held at 95 E Center St, Orem

Technician : 4 Tuesdays, 6:30 to 8:30 pm
     Jan 21             Jan 28           Feb 4              Feb 11
General : 4 Tuesdays, 6:30 to 8:30 pm
     Mar 18             Mar 25           Apr 1              Apr 8
Extra : 5 Tuesdays, 6:30 to 9:30 pm
     Jul 15               Jul 22            Jul 29            Aug 5          Aug 12
Technician : 4 Tuesdays, 6:30 to 8:30 pm
     Sept 16            Sept 23         Sept 30          Oct 7


Smith’s Inspiring Donations (NPO number BH296)
eBay Charity
Venmo: @UVARC-Info

Red Tape

Constitution and ByLaws
Utah Business License and Incorporation Certificate
IRS 501(c)(3) Acceptance and 509(a)(2) Public Charity status declaration
Statement of Functional Expenses
Annual Ledger (breakdown of income and expenditures)
Federal Tax Filing
Charitable Solicitations Permit for Utah and Colorado
Charitable Solicitations Exemption for Idaho and Arizona and Wyoming
Orem Business License
Utah Business License
Cash donation receipt and In-kind donation receipt

ARRL Affiliation

ARRL Affiliation Letter
ARRL Insurance Certificate (Policy number RSC19796 via Hanover Insurance Group)
ARRL Insurance Policy (general policy — not tailored)
ARRL membership application (and club reconciliation form) [ARRL will donate a portion of your fee to the club if you apply using this paper form] — print out the hard copy, fill out the first page, then submit both pages and a check ( payable to UVARC ) to one of the club leadership