The Utah Valley Amateur Radio Club is excited to announce our 2024 swapmeet!
Saturday, September 21st 2024 9:00 A.M. to Noon
Sellers can begin setting up at 7:30 A.M. Please do not start selling or buying before 9:00 A.M.
Spanish Fork North Park Grand Pavilion (same location as last year, next to Costco) 1188 N 400 E, Spanish Fork, UT
$5 – per person $10 – per family $5 – table (pay at the door)
Other Details
There will be WiFi No food will be provided Handicap parking is accessible Plenty of parking, but please do not park in the reserved stalls Please no smoking, no generators, and no open fires
The typical purpose of a swapmeet is to offer buyers and sellers an opportunity to get together and buy / sell / trade, plus the chance to rub shoulders with both new and long-lost ham friends. But this swapmeet will also provide the following:
- Demonstrations of amateur radio gear, including helping you get on the air
- Information on many aspects of amateur radio, including HF, digital, APRS, SOTA, portable, and much more
- Opportunity for many ham radio clubs, social groups, and associations (76ers, Utah VHF Society, UVARC, UARC, UDXA, WDARC, ARRL, etc.) to recruit members
- Chance for service organizations (SLCOARES, UCARES, TCARES, DCARES, TERT, ERC, SAG, ARC, VEC, etc.) to invite and recruit members and inform attendees
- Information about ham radio exam sessions and courses for much of Utah
- Radio programmers who could program your radio on the spot, depending on your radio model and where you live
ARRL Affiliated
Points of Contact
Noji Ratzlaff KNØJI
Michele Costello KI7HBP
Caryn Alarcon KG7UUR
Club Email: k7uva@arrl.net